New Additions in My Garden...

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to my blog. This time I have added two new adeniums and a Magnolia Alba to my garden. During my last visit to the local plant store, I was totally taken up by the adeniums they had for sale. I have bought one with red flowers and the other one has white blooms. While buying the adeniums I suddenly came across a mysterious plant with beautiful fragrant flowers. I learned from the owner that it is a Magnolia Alba. I ended up buying the Magnolia Alba too.

I already have two adenium plants in my garden. Since I have been growing these plants in my garden for years...I am familiar with the growing conditions that suits best for these plants. I would like to briefly go through some of the tips that i have been using to grow these wonderful adeniums.

  1. Soil : The adeniums grow in a kind of coarse mixed soil. I have added sand to the normal soil along with some compost and vermicompost. The soil should be able to drain the excess water out. These plants are a bit drought tolerant hence they do not like to sit in water.
  2. Water: Water the plant generously but ensure that the excess water drains out. Make sure you water the plant only when the soil has dried out. They plant may not mind if you skip watering for 2-3 days.
  3. Sunlight: The plant is adapted to grow in full sunlight. I have learnt from other websites that they require sunlight for blooming.
  4. Fertilizers: Fertilize the soil with cow dung manure, compost and vermicompost. You may also use a mild solution of DAP, Urea and potash in a ratio of 1:1:1 to enhance blooms.
Below are the few snaps from my garden.

This is all the Adeniums require. But I am really worried about the Magnolia Alba plant.I do not know what are the exact growing conditions needed for them. Keeping the fingers crossed, I will do some of my own experiments to give it the best suitable conditions for growth.





Magnolia Alba

Magnolia Alba

Magnolia Alba

Magnolia Alba
Hope you enjoyed the post and it was informative for you as well.I will be back soon with my next post. Till then Happy Gardening!


  1. Surprised to see a sapling bearing flower. We have orangish champakas near our home. All the best with your plants

    1. Thank you Vasudha for visiting my blog. This Champaka plant is showing good signs of growth and has come up with new leaves. Hope everything goes well.

  2. Hi,

    Its not a champaka but a magnolia alba, Magnolia champaca is orange in color.

    Please advise on the pot size and the potting medium. I have both but my alba has still not naturalised in the environment and is shedding a lot of leaves..

    1. Thank you for the correction Mohan. I have never come across a champaka plant.

      I have used a very big pot ( The depth is more than the diameter of the pot) till now the plant is doing well and producing a lot of new leaves. I have kept it in a partial shade. Till now i have not added any extra fertilizers or organic manure. I had planted the it in a mixture of soil, cow dung manure and vermicompost.


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