Planting a seedling , and watching it to grow to a plant and rewarding us with heavy blooms is a total bliss. Last year I had bought some cosmos seedlings from the nearby nursery and planted them into the containers. I was just clueless about the fact that what color of blooms these plants will bear. The man at the nursery told me that the plant will bear pink and red blooms, so was waiting eagerly for the plants to grow up. Finally the plants started blooming and to my surprise all the plants had just white coloured flowers. I was disappointed a bit. This year again I brought some cosmos seedlings home. This time I didn't ask the man at the nursery about the color of the blooms the plant will bear. I planted them in some containers, added some manure to it and left the plants on their own. However this year it was a total delight to see the pink and the red blooms coming up. Finally I got the colors I wanted to have in my garden. These days the cosmos plants are in full bloom...